Students of Mission Institute participated in a retreat
The first time, from November 4th to the 8th, students of Mission Institute of St. Nicholas Eparchy, participated in a retreat that took place at Holy Transfiguration Monastery in California. Every day the students reflected on spiritual life during different sessions that were led by Fr. Pavlo Popov, Fr. Damian, Bishop Benedict, and Br. Gideon.
All participants had the opportunity to go to Confession and have a Spiritual conversation with one of the members of the clergy. The peaceful atmosphere of the monastery and beautiful nature with amazing views helped everybody tune in to God more closely. Also, the students had the good fortune to visit the Montgomery Redwood National Park and the Pacific Ocean, where through these creations, the Creator showed His mighty power and majestic beauty. At the conclusion, the participants watched the new movie “Fatima”. We do hope that with the help of God we will organize more of these spiritual encounters in the future.